Saturday, August 3, 2013

Stay Positive!

Are you a glass half full, or a glass half empty type of person?  I like to think anyway, that I'm a glass half full type of person. I try my best to stay positive, but for some, it doesn't come so easily. So here I'am listing some great ways to stay positive! 

1. Think of life in the way of: "Someone else always has it worse than me"
2. Remember that everything happens for a reason. 
3. Think good thoughts. The better you think, the better you'll feel.
4. Think of how beautiful everything really is.
5. Be genuinely happy. You choose your emotions. 
Hope this helped!! Remember to comment, and email me for advice at: Don't be shy girls!
Want more of me?
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 

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