Monday, July 29, 2013

Makeup Help. From Sam!

Dear Amber, 
      Do you know anything about make up? I want to wear makeup, but I don't know how to wear any or how to apply it. I don't know what products to buy. I really don't wanna waste my money on products that may be bad. Please help. 

Dear Sam, 
      Yes, I know a little about makeup. Makeup can make you feel pretty and can be so much fun to apply! It covers up small imperfections, and can make you noticed. It can change the way you look, and give you a different look. Getting involved into the beauty community on YouTube can do wonders for your knowledge on makeup AND hair! I watch and so do lots of other people, beauty gurus on YouTube. 
Here are some good 
YouTuber's I watch: 

AlisonLovesJB link to channel:

Diamondsandheels14 link to channel:

Spreadinsubshine15 link to channel:

5 love languages

    Everyone has their own love language. Everyone has a different way they take things, and ways they like to receive love. I did a devotional study on the five languages of love. It told me what my love language is, and taught me how to look for others love language. The book is called, A Students Guide to The Five Love Languages. By: Gary chapman and Tony Rankin. I highly recommend this book for any young person. The five love languages are:
1. Actions. You like to have your loved one do things for you. You like when they open the door for you, take your plate or drink up for you, clean your car for you, and anything else they physically do for you. To you this how you know someone loves you, and to you actions is what makes you feel important to them. 
2. Gifts. You like chocolate, flowers, jewelry, and cards. To you receiving gifts makes you feel important an loved.
3. Words. You like sweet talk, and just guys telling you sweet things. To you this warms your heart and makes you feel special and loved. ( this personally, is mine) 
4. Physical touch. Whether it's kissing, hugging or a back rub it makes you feel good inside. When a guy touches you, you feel loved and special. 
5. Quality time. Whether it's a date, or hanging out at the house you like it. When your someone takes time out of their schedule for you it makes you feel important and special to them.

thanks for reading my blog, I hope this helps you fill your love tank and your other halve's as well!! 

Want more of me?
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
Instagram: amberphelps 

Remember to email me for advice! 

Want to take the love language's test to see which is yours? Take it here:

If that book sounds interesting to you, here's the link to purchase it:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back to school style advice

Hey girls! Here are some good fashion gurus to follow their style for school. Fashion advice. Keep these stars in mind while you shop for a new school wardrobe 
-Taylor Swift: Girly and sweet
Lucy Hale: Vintage and BoHo 

Miley Cyrus: Grunge and Edgy 

Want more of me? 
Vine: Amber Dawn phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
KIK: ( please email me before kiking me, thanks) amberphelps7

**email me here:**

Dear Amber

Please email me at: with your predicament needing advice. Please put a fake name in the subject box of your email. (Like: Subject: Jane Dough) that way it's protecting your identity. I will post your email online using your fake name and put my replied advice. 
Have a nice day!    

How to be the right girlfriend

Tired of looking for the right guy? Make him come too you!  Don't waste your precious time looking for the right guy, be the right girl and you will find someone. 
1. They don't need another mom, they need a girlfriend. While it is okay to be concerned about their safety and such, don't be like their mom. Guys will get annoyed easily if you nag them about wrestling with their buddies. They don't want you to tell them what to wear because of the weather. They really don't want you to pick stuff of their shirt and give them spit baths. They have a mom for all of that. 
2. Listen. Don't half way listen to what they say. They really do want you to pay attention when they are telling you a story. Even though they may not admit they care that you care, they do. When he is telling you a story and he pauses say, "Yeah" saying that will make you sound interested and let him know you are paying attention. 
3. Respect. Guys want you to respect them, respect their car, their family, their friends, their beliefs, and everything else. If you dislike one of his friends don't disrespect them. Chances are that guy was there before you and will still be there after you aren't. 
4. Don't be too touchy. Yes, guys are physical and they like to be physical but they don't want you rubbing and hanging all over them constantly. It can be clingy..literally! 
If you have an questions, concerns, or something to add on this please comment below. Thank you! 

***email me for advice****

Want more of me? 
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
KIK: ( please email me before you before you message me, thanks) amberphelps7
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps

Body Weight insecurities

In today's society girls are expected to be thin. Everyone wants to be skinny, look skinny, loose weight, and have the thigh gap between their legs. Being skinny is suppose to be fun, right? Make you feel good about yourself, make you feel pretty. But, the question here is: "How Skinny is TO Skinny?" You always here of anorexia, and other accounts of people getting overly skinny to be accepted  in everyone's mind as "beautiful." Maybe you don't have a problem yet that's severe or noticeable. If you are hungry and not eating, exercising and can barley move, or even puking up your have a problem. You may not be classified has having an eating disorder by a professional, but if you are doing this to your body you are well on your way to one. Forget trying to get skinny, just try to get healthy and everything will change the way it's suppose to. You don't have to count countless calories, eat 4 small meals a day, or eat way under the limit you are suppose to. Just be healthy, when you eat healthy your body will start to crave the healthy food after a while. If you really have a lot of weight on you and need to lose weight do it the right way, not the harmful way. Everyone gets insecure about their bodies, even I do. It's a natural feeling and it's becoming more of a constant feeling daily. If you are having some serious insecurities, here are some tips:
1. Whatever mirror you have in your room write something sweet to yourself on it the night before, so that when you wake up and get ready in the morning you have something positive to start your day off with. 
-You're beautiful 
-You are a great person!
-Your friends/family/bf loves you
-Hey Gorgeous 

2. Listen to positive music! Some uplifting tunes while getting ready or when you are sad is key to feeling good about yourself. 
-"Headphones" by Britt Nicole
-"More Beautiful You" by Johnny Diaz 
-"Gold" by Britt Nicole
-"Little Things" by One direction 
-"More" by Matthew West

3. Purchase fashion that flatters your body type. Rather you are curvy or straight buy stuff that makes you look good. When you look good, you feel good. 
-If you have a larger bust, a ruffled top is good. 
- if you consider yourself curvy a top or even dress with a belt will make you have an hour glass shape and a tiny waste. 
- if you are naturally very thin do not wear things with belts as much or you will look more flat. 

Thank you for reading this! If you any questions or even more tips on this please comment bellow! 

Want more of me?
Kik: (please email before messaging me on here, thank you) amberphelps7
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Verbal Abuse From Boyfriend?


     Are you being called any of these insults? Maybe more or even worse? No need to worry, you are not alone. I'm an expert on this! If this has just started things are going to be so much easier for you to get out. If this has been going on for months, years, weeks even it will be slightly more difficult for you.

This just started for me:

      Maybe a week, hour, minute, day, or second ago this is a more simple fix for you.

     If you and your other half haven't been dating for long (anywhere from a day to 2 months) then get out! run away, leave, do whatever is absolutely possible and necessary for you to get away from this person. I know you most likely like this person...maybe even love..? But it DOES NOT matter! I've been through this and it lasted for four years! There is absolutely no need to ever to let something last that long that is hurting you. It is a ton much more easier if you just leave now early on in the relationship! If I had left sooner I wouldn't such a sensitive person now, and there would have been much less heartache and difficulty on both sides.
     Let's say you guys have been dating a long while.. (anywhere from 3months to 1+years) So, its just started for you and you are in a long-term relationship here. Maybe it was through an argument or just random, I don't know. If this just happened and you and this person are pretty serious, chances are it won't again. Just notify that person and let them know it hurt you. Try not to say the words you or anything pointing them out. Simply say: "Being called a _____ made me really upset, and hurt my feelings." Or, "When all those nasty things were said about me the other night/today/yesterday/whenever it seriously wasn't cool because it hurt my feelings badly." *If this doesn't work and you are in for the long run with this person and they strike again soon, please email me and it will be a personal conversation between you and I.*

This Has Been Going On A While:  

       You love them. They aren't all bad, he is a really nice person too..sometimes anyway. Well, I'm staying for the good things in him and in us. He doesn't hit me or anything so this isn't really a problem....right? It's getting better. It's my fault he does this to me.

    NO NO NO! All of that is wrong! You may love him though..that's the problem. I know how you feel, what you're thinking, and I also know how he works. When he calls you mean things he turns it around, right? Makes everything seem like you started it all. Well you were talking to that guy I seen YOU so you are the Lucy goose. (Most likely a more severer word choice) You are a ***** because all YOU do is nag me. YOU are stupid because YOU messed it up. every things always YOU and always YOUR fault. Every argument, fight, spat, and problem is never precious' fault..its all YOU. Or maybe he doesn't do that. Maybe when he calls you all of this he apologizes later saying its all HIS fault. Crying to you even, saying it will never happen again. Oh, but it does, right? He sure knows how to be sweet when you're mad right? I know! Listen to me. Ignore him. It won't be easy. It kills him when you ignore him because most likely he is downright obsessed with you, just don't know it..yet. Don't take him back either. Break up with him. Yes, do it! Rip your own heart out of your very own chest so he can't. Be in control! if someones going to break your heart, let it be you. From experience, he will never change. No more hope in this situation. It's hopeless. There is no hope to be found here for change. The only hope you need is that you can control yourself and get out and not ever look back. *if you need honest help in fleeing away please email and I will start you on a day to day processes and recovery.* Peronsal convo*

Email me here:
*Want my story on this in a video response? Comment and let me know!*

Want more of me?
Instagram: amberphelps
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: phelpsdawnamber
KIK: (please email me before messaging me on here, thanks) amberphelps7

       Welcome to Dear Amber! This blog is exclusively for girls of any age needing advice or help. You can email me including your circumstance needing guidance. Be sure to put a, "Random name" in the subject box so that everything can remain anonymous. If you do not care if your actual name is exposed, then don't put anything in the subject box. I will publish onto the blog with your anonymous (or real if desired) name and give you the wanted input. The reason why this will be posted is for reasons of maybe someone has your same issue. If something is happening that is very personal, will give you away, or put you in danger just put, "Personal" into the subject box through email and your advice will NOT be posted, and you will receive your advice back through a replied email from me. NEVER think your situation is out of line or reach for me. Everything CAN, DOES, and WILL always get better!


email me at:

-Want more of me?
Instagram: amberphelps
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
KIK: (Please let me know via email before you message me, thanks) amberphelps7
Pinterest: phelpsdawnamber