Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to Know You're dating a gentlemen

Don't we all dream of the perfect, fairy tale gentlemen romantically sweeping us up off our feet? Well, they're are some great guys close to that, and some that aren't! This post is to show you what a gentlemen is! 

A gentlemen is probably opening your doors. Restaurant doors, car doors, and the door to your heart! ( okay, I'll admit the last one was pretty cheesy) 

He most likely isn't hanging out or talking about any girl but you

His friends should know you even when he isn't standing beside you

He is making you feel genuinely happy 

He makes you feel beautiful.

Remember girls, your gentlemen doesn't have to be wearing a tux to be considered one. It's from whats within that makes him gentlemen material. 

Want more of me?
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
Instagram: amber phelps
Kik: amberphelps7

**email me for advice**

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Stay Positive!

Are you a glass half full, or a glass half empty type of person?  I like to think anyway, that I'm a glass half full type of person. I try my best to stay positive, but for some, it doesn't come so easily. So here I'am listing some great ways to stay positive! 

1. Think of life in the way of: "Someone else always has it worse than me"
2. Remember that everything happens for a reason. 
3. Think good thoughts. The better you think, the better you'll feel.
4. Think of how beautiful everything really is.
5. Be genuinely happy. You choose your emotions. 
Hope this helped!! Remember to comment, and email me for advice at: Don't be shy girls!
Want more of me?
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 

How to Forgive a Friend:

You're suppose to forgive and forget, right? Then why is it so hard?!? Our friends, we love them and they mean a lot to us. What happens when they mess up? "Accidentally" talk to your ex boyfriend, say something rude to you, or hates a new friend of yours. It's hard to get over the fact that our friends aren't perfect and sometimes they slip up on us. We love them one minute, and they next we hate them. So I've created a 3 Step process on how to forgive your friend if they've said sorry. 

1. "You have to make sure it's actually okay before you say okay." 
Don't, say, "Oh, that's okay." If things aren't okay to you. If you lie and accept their apology half way, you're just going to be mad at them again in a few days. Before you go on accepting make sure in your sweet little heart of yours, that you have no resentment. If there is some in there, just say, "Hey, I do want to forgive you. I'm just not ready yet. I still have some resentment going on, but I will forgive you when I'm ready." If they've already apologized to you, chances are they'd understand since they were in the wrong. 

2. "Don't wait or ask for an apology." 
Don't ask. Don't wait. Asking for an apology shows that you are arrogant enough to point out when others are wrong. This will only infuriate your friend. Waiting around forever for an, "I'm sorry" will only make you miserable. Every time you talk to that person you will be waiting for them to say it. Maybe they don't even know they did something wrong to you. Maybe they never say sorry. Just because someone doesn't apologize, doesn't mean you can't forgive them from within. 

3." Be patient with them and yourself."
You have to first be patient with them when they've done you wrong. Then, you have to be patient on yourself to accept when you are ready. 
 I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you all use this!
Want more of me?
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
Instagram: amber phelps

***email me for advice here***

Friday, August 2, 2013

5 most annoying things girls do... With help from boyfriend!

So we've all been called annoying, right? At some point in our lives someone as pulled out that dreadful A word to us and cut us deeply with it. Guys always say it. "Girls are so annoying!" Even girls will admit we can be annoying. Lets face it, things get pretty serious when we admit we are in the wrong. ;) Anyway, lets try and fix this problem. I wanted to tackle this issue in the appropriatest asking a guys opinion of course! My boyfriend of a year is here to help us! Tell us what's so annoying, so we STOP it! Here are the top 5 he pointed out and why. 

5. "Double standards" Say whaaaa??? Okay, so what is a double standard? A double standard is when, you tell a guy, "Hey, I hate when you text other girls!" And then you go off and text other boys. See what I mean here? It's not okay for them to do something, but in your eyes, when you do it, nothing is at fault. 
-why is this so annoying to guys?? 
"Cause if we can't do it, why can you?" Says my lovely boyfriend. Girls, we are no perfect humans. If you don't trust you boyfriend with his friends enough to not let him hang out with them, guess what? No GNO's For you either anytime soon, sister!

4. "Not Listening." What do you mean, I don't listen?!? I mean, you can't be one worded all the time. Here are some good words to stray away from in conversations with the opposite sex:  
Yada, yada, yada.
- Why is this so annoying? 
"When we talk to a girl, its frustrating when she doesn't contribute. We like to hear what you think about it and hear more then one word back." Says the boyfriend. I mean really girls! If a guy is taking time out of his day to talk to you, and he is a cutie patootieeee, talk back! Listen! "We are trusting the girl with what we are telling them. We could easily go talk to another guy who would actually listen and talk, but we felt better goin to that girl. And then feeling like she aint listening when we need her to kills the relationship, weather friendship or more, cause we probably wont go back to her. We'll find someone else to talk to about the important stuff. We feel like were talking to a wall." Says the boyfriend. Listen to this advice and then listen to guys! 

3. " Lack of Confidence" (This, personally, is even a problem for me!) Here's an example: "It really really really gets under my skin when I see a absolutely great lookig girl walking around with slumped shoulders and the zero-confidence face. It makes me want to shake them and just say really?" Says Mr. Amber's boyfriend. Confidence is so hard to get and maintain, I know girls! At least fake it ;)

2. "Over Reaction." Oh boy! We here this one a lot! "You're over reacting, calm down! How are we over reacting? Why are we over reacting? Here's my boyfriends exact words on this, (this made me chuckle, a lot) "Her friends cat dies. Friends that is female flips her lid and says omg omg omg omg omg omg omg I cant believe this! She was only 9 years old!
That makes me wabt to stab myself with a rusty spork from nam." HAHA! Nuff said, girls take a chill pill, puhlease. 

1. "Nag" urrgghh! Aren't we always accused of this one?!? So, I talked a tiny bit about nagging in my, "How to be the Right Girlfriend" post. Naggsation it's become quite the problem for us ladies. So what's a nag? When you're on a guys case over something either: silly, dumb, something they already know form common sense, or just anything. 
-Why is it so annoying though? We are just trying to help our squishy wooshy. It makes them want to run! I don't care if you are pmsing or what! Don't do this, it causes problems. 
I hope you all enjoyed this very much so! Special, special, special thanks to my awesome boyfriend for helping me! 
Want more of me? 
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Instagram: amberphelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 


Monday, July 29, 2013

Makeup Help. From Sam!

Dear Amber, 
      Do you know anything about make up? I want to wear makeup, but I don't know how to wear any or how to apply it. I don't know what products to buy. I really don't wanna waste my money on products that may be bad. Please help. 

Dear Sam, 
      Yes, I know a little about makeup. Makeup can make you feel pretty and can be so much fun to apply! It covers up small imperfections, and can make you noticed. It can change the way you look, and give you a different look. Getting involved into the beauty community on YouTube can do wonders for your knowledge on makeup AND hair! I watch and so do lots of other people, beauty gurus on YouTube. 
Here are some good 
YouTuber's I watch: 

AlisonLovesJB link to channel:

Diamondsandheels14 link to channel:

Spreadinsubshine15 link to channel:

5 love languages

    Everyone has their own love language. Everyone has a different way they take things, and ways they like to receive love. I did a devotional study on the five languages of love. It told me what my love language is, and taught me how to look for others love language. The book is called, A Students Guide to The Five Love Languages. By: Gary chapman and Tony Rankin. I highly recommend this book for any young person. The five love languages are:
1. Actions. You like to have your loved one do things for you. You like when they open the door for you, take your plate or drink up for you, clean your car for you, and anything else they physically do for you. To you this how you know someone loves you, and to you actions is what makes you feel important to them. 
2. Gifts. You like chocolate, flowers, jewelry, and cards. To you receiving gifts makes you feel important an loved.
3. Words. You like sweet talk, and just guys telling you sweet things. To you this warms your heart and makes you feel special and loved. ( this personally, is mine) 
4. Physical touch. Whether it's kissing, hugging or a back rub it makes you feel good inside. When a guy touches you, you feel loved and special. 
5. Quality time. Whether it's a date, or hanging out at the house you like it. When your someone takes time out of their schedule for you it makes you feel important and special to them.

thanks for reading my blog, I hope this helps you fill your love tank and your other halve's as well!! 

Want more of me?
Vine: Amber Dawn Phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
Instagram: amberphelps 

Remember to email me for advice! 

Want to take the love language's test to see which is yours? Take it here:

If that book sounds interesting to you, here's the link to purchase it:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back to school style advice

Hey girls! Here are some good fashion gurus to follow their style for school. Fashion advice. Keep these stars in mind while you shop for a new school wardrobe 
-Taylor Swift: Girly and sweet
Lucy Hale: Vintage and BoHo 

Miley Cyrus: Grunge and Edgy 

Want more of me? 
Vine: Amber Dawn phelps
Pinterest: Phelpsdawnamber 
KIK: ( please email me before kiking me, thanks) amberphelps7

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